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Friday's Tours

Tour of National Weather Center - Norman, OK

Waiting for our transportation to Norman

Entrance to NSSL building

Large display globe in atrium

Ted Lungwitz, Ken Brown and Bill King discuss the present day radiosonde

Retired Lt Col Randy George welcomes the group to the NWC in Norman

Informational session around globe display

Our guide Daphne Thompson explains views on observation level

Oklahoma University football stadium and campus viewed from observation deck

Weather forecast and alert section

Meteorologists discuss forecasts

Another forecast section

Tour group in question and answer session

Now for lunch at the Western Sizzlin Restaurant - A great place to eat

Members chowing down

We arrive at Channel 9 studios for a tour

Touring the Channel 9 weather desk

Channel 9 Weatherman answers questions

"Tex" Winder passes out free Mueller hats to members

Chuck Hewitt and Chuck Miller review attendees at Welcome table

Fred plays vintage Arthur Godfrey record on vintage Army record player (78rpm)

Pictures by Gerry Guay

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Last modified: 05/11/22