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The Gathering - Thursday


Photos furnished by Buck Bucklin


  Gordon & Barbara McCann, Steve Gladish, Ed Skowron & Chuck Hewitt share stories

John Lassiter, Gordon, Barbara & Steve

Chuck Hewitt

Lee & Patricia Webb, Ann Bishop, Eunice Lassiter, John Webb & Jim Eldringhoff

Shirley, Jim, Patricia, Eunice and Lee

Lots of munchies with Barbara, Shirley and Ed

"Famous" Bill King & Steve Styron

Steve, Al & Virginia Bardusch, Gordon(b), Chuck, & Carl Bishop

Bill, Al, Steve, Al Kreher, Virginia & Ann

Steve & Mary Styron, Al Kreher, Bill and Lee(b)

Shirley & Ernie Workman

Al & Virginia Bardusch listening to Bill King's tales

Carl & Ann, Barbara & Gordon, Steve

Chuck, Ed and Shirley

David Guenther & Joe Kerwin & Ernie Workman

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Last modified: 08/21/24