1957 - Part 1 Miscellaneous Pics -1957 CWO George Coulter was sworn in on 7 May 1957 by Lt. Col. Bernard Pusin, Cmdr. 6th Weather Lightening Detection Network - Sferics teams were collocated with Tornado Alley teams in 1957
Sferics Network personnel performing various functions.
Weather Vans showing trailer mounted power units and baseline unit - AN/GMD-1A Rawinsonde Tracking Unit. " Operation Grapple" (British Name) - "Dovecot" (U.S. Name) - Weather Collection Squadron, Provisional Purpose: Provide ground and upper air weather support for thermonuclear weapons testing and monitoring.
British "Operation Grapple" Nuclear Tests on Malden Island ************** Penhryn Island Site Pictures C-54 aircraft furnished by Atlantic Division, MATS hauling 5 tons of cargo every 10 days. Fire trucks about to be salvaged were used at the airstrip during landings and takeoffs. Kitchen was constructed with screens by camp personnel next to mess tent. Jeep transportation was necessary since the camp was three miles from the airstrip. AFOAT-1 operations trailer transported to Penhryn by C-124 aircraft. U.S. flag flies over camp - Comm cans in foreground, tent area in background. Project communications provided by 1st AACS Sqdn Mob of Johnson Air Base, Japan USAF homing beacon AN/MRN-13 with MB-5 power unit, beacon shared with RAF Hundreds of natives lived in villages on Penrhyn and made a living from the cocoanut trees. Camp was set up by WCSP personnel and used for billeting, messing and medical facilities. Campsite tents were 1942 vintage hospital tents and were turned over to New Zealanders. Camp life was improved when gravel was spread on tent floors, a shower built, a kitchen structure erected and wired for electricity.
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