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Friday's Pics

A Tour of the NOAA Labs in Norman, OK

We arrive in Norman.

The Zinkes lead the way.

Our tour guide describes the labs and forecast center's functions.

Forecaster checks for severe weather.

Severe weather alerts are determined here.

Carl Bishop asks questions.

Logo for National Weather Service.

Staff member describes functions to 6th Weather Squadron group.

6th Mob...ers listen intently.

Norman Forecast Center where local forecasts are made and monitored on TV stations.

Equipment cabinet for Automatic Radiotheodolite.

Weather sensors on tower with rainfall bucket and instrument shelter.

Rawin dome.


We arrive at Tinker AFB gate for our 2nd tour of the day.

Convoy led by Carl Bishop to Tinker Gate.

6th Mob...ers pause for a group picture.

Robert Bongiovanni chats with tour guides. Un-huh.........

Dormitories at Tinker.

Warehouses, hangars and water towers spread across Tinker.

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Last modified: 05/11/22